Construction works, 31st of July 2024

We are happy to conclude the month of July with the realization that we have almost finished building the two houses that did not exist in June: only interior work remains. And different other works:)

Here is the list of our special voluteers, who have helped with many works or in other ways in June and July: Jaak, Raul, Monica, Terje, Nele, Madis, Maire, Rein, Valter, Vivian, Camel and more.

And here we thank you our very special donors, only thanks to them we have managed to get so far! In the end of June and in July we have got several very important donations that we would like to mention here:

The main help in June and July came from an unknown donor to us, Dariusz from Chezch Republic (13 000 euros!), some more donations from Estonia from our good friends (mainly Aivar, but many others as well: more than 3500), and some important donations from Switzerland (together with June, we have got more than 5000 euros from Switzerland: from Roland, Margrit, Heinz, Liane, Janna and Marina (special thanks to Hanna!), from Yeshe Khorlo Deutschland: 800 euros, donations from France from Bori and Dominique. The money that has arrived through Yeshe Khorlo Germany – we do not know each person by name, but we thank you very much! May everybody’s merit be abundant!

Since before there was so much work to be done that it didn’t make sense for us to make list of works that is still left to be done, now it makes sense. We have also tried to calculate the cost of works and materials – you can see the list below (the latest estimate tells us that we still need around 12 000 euros – to complete the kitchen-storage room, fence, electricity works and many other small works).

Estimation of costs: (prices are in euros):

Heating system: 10 000 euros
Doors: 2000 (10 +3 outside doors)
Floor: the cheapest option: around 1000: natural marmoleum (stock leftovers: we have got aorund 60 m2 of leftovers for 7 euros/m2, but need to buy another 70m2, hopefully for 15eur/m2)
Bathroom works: work: at least 11 000, plus toilets, water heaters, shower treys and showers (can be around 1500 euros)

To do list:

  1. Construction of the inside walls in two houses (we can manage).
  2. Plastering, painting and wallpaper works in two houses (we will manage, we have all the material). Update: primer for lime plaster done, now plastering works can start (05.08.)
  3. Outside boarding: one house: half not done yet. We have to pay for that job (we still need to pay for one week’s work (for 2 men: 1600 euros).
  4. Gate work: needs to be completed: just work, not much new material needed.
  5. Fence: most of the material bought, needs to be done. Help needed! Update: 04.08.2024: 300 meters of poles done, 50m of fence done.
  6. Installation of 13 doors (3 exterior doors and 10 interior doors: 2000 euros). We can almost manage. Doors need to be bought.
  7. Finishing the kitchen-storage room’s roof and ceiling, intallation of windows and a door. Windows and roof material almost there (some roof material needs to be bought. Lot of help needed.
  8. Kitchen windows for each house (5), installation of them. Little money and help necessary.
  9. Outside gardening works, excavator’s works where it could have not been done earlier. Done by excavator. Needs to be paid (can be around 500 euros)
  10. Floor works (material will be bought this week). Help needed.
  11. Assembly of IKEA kitchen furnituure (arrives at August 3rd). Needs help from voluteers.
  12. Installation of the pump in the deep-drilled well (includes also the cost of the pump): 2500. Done by a company.
  13. Construction of wind boxes for houses, installation of gutters (no money for that work).
  14. Ceiling: heating material and installation (at least 1200 euros)
  15. Construction of stairways and a small terrace in front of each house.
  16. Finishing of electricity works everywhere.

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