This week (14th of November) the major works of sewage system (biocleaner will be installed), installation of electricity cables (each house will have its individual cables) and water pipes’ (from the kitchen to each house) installation started. As khenpola’s house is further, there are many meters to dig. We got a final offer for the sewage system works that was 30 600 (Septicum Oü), but it does not include the cost of electrical cables – those are installed by another company who has to be present there at the same time when the ditches are dug and quickly lays the electrical cables at the same ditch. In that way, the digging works are all done together, for water, electricity and sewage system.
We do not now yet the full cost of electrical cables but it is more than we presumed and it is one of the most expensive works (as this kind of cable that goes inside earth, is costly). After those works, we can continue with works outside and inside of the houses. Also, new foundations for extra houses (there will be altogther seven foundations) will be done very soon.
Khenpo Karma Wangyel visited again Estonia and the three-year retreat center. Besides, he gave teachings in Estonia in two different places (Pärnu and Tallinn). In Tallinn he taught the profound meaning of vipashyana, highest seeing, and in Pärnu, he taught the paramita of wisdom, and the Heart Sutra.
This time, also lopön Thuji, who is now residing in France, came also to Estonia as she will be one of the participants of the first three-year retreat here, and she brought her things already here. Khenpola also marked the foundations of the other houses that will be eventually necessary for the first retreat (it depends on the number of participants but the plan is to have at least six houses ready). We have received around 3000 euros of donations in September ( we installed the doors for four houses (around 2000 euros, and got the final 9 windows (100 euros each – extremely cheap, but very good quality – triple layers and fully ready made) for the houses (a very little used windows from Sweden, high quality and at least triple layer of glass), but around 80,000 is still missing! Please donate (check our bank details under contacts).
News about the three-year retreat center for Gangteng Rinpoche’s students.
We are building the three year retreat Center in the northern Europe, Estonia, and although the construction work has not been completed yet, we are announcing, as this is the wish of Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche, that the first three year group retreat according to Pema Lingpa’s tradition in Europe in Estonia, Umbusi will start in 2024, in August (the exact date yet unknown).
Rinpoche says that it is better to announce an exact beginning time, an objective we should aim at.
There are at least five people who will start the retreat and most of them have given full amount of their retreat cost for construction works (more than 20 000 each).
We kindly ask for your support for this project – we have money for the sewage system, electricity and water connection (around 30,000) but each individual house needs also urgently finishing works inside the house, starting from the door (around 500 euros each).
Also, one more house has to be constructed from the beginning (we need at least five houses to begin with), one house has only a foundation ready right now.
Please also donate for Thujila that she could come to Estonia right now and see the future retreat place.
We promise that all the money we receive will be used with great care and most reasonably. Here are our bank details:
receiver: Yeshe Khorlo Eesti MTÜ
Account (IBAN): EE212200221065708346 SWEDBANK, SWIFT code/BIC: HABAEE2X (address is available on our website, if necessary:
Photo is taken in spring 2023, but this summer we could do only few works because of lack of money.
Chers amis du Dharma !
Des nouvelles sur le centre de retraite de trois ans pour les étudiants de Gangteng Rinpche.
Nous construisons le Centre de retraite de trois ans dans le nord de l’Estonie, en Europe et bien que les travaux de construction ne soient pas encore terminés, nous annonçons, comme c’est le souhait de Gangteng Tulku Rinpoché, que la première retraite de groupe de trois ans selon la tradition de Pema Lingpa en Europe en Estonie, village de Umbusi, débutera en 2024, en août (date exacte encore inconnue).
Rinpoché dit qu’il est préférable d’annoncer un temps exacte de début, un objectif que nous devrions viser.
Il y a au moins cinq personnes qui commenceront la retraite et la plupart d’entre elles ont donné le montant total de leur retraite pour les travaux de construction (plus de 20 000 chacune).
Nous sollicitons votre soutien pour ce projet – nous avons de l’argent pour le système d’égouts, l’électricité et le raccordement à l’eau (environ 30 000 euros), mais chaque maison individuelle a également besoin de toute urgence de travaux de finition à l’intérieur de la maison (chaque maison a besoind de 5000 euros a peu pres, en commençant par la porte (environ 500 euros chacune).
De plus, une maison supplémentaire doit être construite (nous avons besoin d’au moins cinq maisons pour commencer), et une autre maison n’a actuellement qu’une fondation prête.
S’il vous plaît, faites également un don pour Thujila afin qu’elle puisse se rendre en Estonie dès maintenant et voir le futur lieu de retraite.
Nous promettons que tout l’argent que nous recevons sera utilisé avec le plus grand soin et de la manière la plus raisonnable possible. Voici nos coordonnées bancaires :
destinataire : Yeshe Khorlo Eesti MTÜ
Compte (IBAN) : EE212200221065708346
SWEDBANK, code SWIFT/BIC : HABAEE2X (l’adresse est disponible sur notre site internet, si nécessaire :
et Paypal :
Liebe Dharma-Freunde!
Neuigkeiten über das dreijährige Retreat-Zentrum für die Schüler von Gangteng Rinpche.
Wir errichten das Drei-Jahres-Retreat-Zentrum im nördlichen Estland, Europa, und obwohl die Bauarbeiten noch nicht abgeschlossen sind, kündigen wir, da dies der Wunsch von Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche ist, das erste Drei-Jahres-Gruppen-Retreat nach Pema Lingpa an Tradition in Europa in Estland, Umbusi wird im August 2024 beginnen (das genaue Datum ist noch nicht bekannt).
Rinpoche sagt, dass es besser ist, eine genaue Anfangszeit bekannt zu geben, ein Ziel, das wir anstreben sollten.
Es gibt mindestens fünf Personen, die mit dem Retreat beginnen werden, und die meisten von ihnen haben den gesamten Betrag ihrer Retreat-Kosten für Bauarbeiten bereitgestellt (jeweils mehr als 20.000).
Wir bitten Sie herzlich um Ihre Unterstützung für dieses Projekt – wir haben Geld für die Kanalisation, den Strom- und Wasseranschluss (ca. 30.000 Euro), aber jedes einzelne Haus benötigt auch dringend Innenausbauarbeiten, angefangen bei der Tür (jeweils ca. 500 Euro).
Außerdem muss von Anfang an ein weiteres Haus gebaut werden (wir benötigen zunächst mindestens fünf Häuser), für ein Haus ist derzeit nur das Fundament fertig.
Bitte spenden Sie auch für Thujila, damit sie jetzt nach Estland reisen und sich den zukünftigen Retreat-Ort ansehen kann.
Wir versprechen, dass alle Gelder, die wir erhalten, mit größter Sorgfalt und möglichst vernünftig verwendet werden. Hier finden Sie unsere Bankdaten:
Empfänger: Yeshe Khorlo Eesti MTÜ
Konto (IBAN): EE212200221065708346
SWEDBANK, SWIFT-Code/BIC: HABAEE2X (Adresse finden Sie bei Bedarf auf unserer Website:
Winter has finally loosened its grip and we can slowly continue with some works. We have some money left for installation of electrical cables in the houses (including material) and construction of inside walls. However, we do not have enough money to start the sewage system works together with the installation of pipes and electrical cables (at least 15 000 euros). If we can do that, it would be possible to stay in (at least one of) the houses this summer and use it for temporary retreats before the real three-year retreat could start. For example, Sungtrul Rinpoche has said that he would like to stay for one week in summer of 2023. Of course, also later is possible. However, we are really hoping that together with everybody, we can soon complete the necessary works.
tukjé dak la jingyi lob
With your compassion, inspire us with your blessing!
tsewé dak sok lam na drong
With your love, guide us and others along the path!
gongpé dak la ngödrub tsol
With your realization, grant us attainments!
nüpé dak sok barché sol
With your power, dispel the obstacles facing us all!
Khenpola has left long time ago but a beautiful autumn continued after his visit and we have slowly done some more works – inside one house, the structure for walls has been made and we have painted some more exterior wall boards – the quantity we did in summer was only enough for one house, now the boards for almost two more houses have been done. We are very thankful for the continuous donations and now the windows for the houses have been ordered (we got a very cheap offer for aluminum-wood windows which are very little used and in excellent condition – 100 euros per piece).
We still hope we will have soon enough money to start the sewage system works together with the installation of pipes and electrical cables (at least 15 000 euros). If we can do that, it would be possible to stay in the houses from next summer and use it for temporary retreats before the real three-year retreat could start. For example, Sungtrul Rinpoche has said that he would like to stay for one week next summer in 2023.
Khenpo Karma Wangyel is attaching the prayer flag as high as he canSurroundings of the retreat place in autumnOne part of freshly painted boards (we did it at home nearby and brought them to the retreat place)Rooms are coming (kitchen, bathroom and the living room)
Yeshe Khorlo 3-year retreat center’s construction news (building site: in the middle of Estonia, Umbusi village). Khenpo Karma Wangyel is now in Estonia doing practice every day on the retreat land to attract abundance and avert obstacles. Everybody is welcome to join! Rain is not a problem, we can already sit in the house for practice. We could manage to finish many works in September, including the main structure of Khenpola’s house, roofs and floors in each house, as we got many helpful donations this time. We still have money to start inside works (inside walls) and finish outside walls (only one house has a grey boarding almost finished, the others are not done yet (material arrives tomorrow), but we still need more (for windows, sewage system, pump system for water), kitchen-hall). We are extremely thankful for any donation! Bank Transfer Details:
We have a new perspective now – we can look at the retreat houses from the Khenpola’s house’s roof top. This week, the main effort was Khenpo Karma Wangyel’s house and the aim was to make it waterproof – the roof is covered now with waterproof roof cover. And the work continues. One of the retreat houses has floor already made, the other two houses still have no floor but this week we bought all the material necessary – around 1000 euros. Insulation layer (30 cm of rockwool) is almost done for the floor. As now the work which are going on, are quite extensive, we really need everybody’s help. We are very thankful to those, who already donated. Every small amount will be of help also!
Our bank details:
Aadress: Umbusi village, Põltsamaa parish, Jõgevamaa county, 48026.
As of 22nd August 2022, you can see on the photos that the houses have roofs. We had a difficult summer because the main constructor left and we had lot of trouble to find quickly another one. Finally we found one reliable person from Ukraine. He did not have much time to come up to now – he just managed to finish the roof works but from now onwards, he can work one full month for us.
From inside the wall insulation of 25 centimeters is done, now the floor insulation has to be finished (30 cm). Also the wind protection cover is placed.
We urgently need some funds to complete the window works for three houses (we have got an offer about 1000 euros per house – that is to say, we should get the windows for three houses (plus Khenpola’s house very soon).
We also need an urgent help for painting works that we could finish the boarding of the three houses. Please contact us if you have any help to offer.
As of 9th of May 2022, two houses have most of the insulation works done, one is missing a roof construction. We are still waiting for the wood for supporting rails for the roof – there has been an exceptional delay of two weeks and it may only arrive next week. Roof tiles arrived already.
As Rinpoche has announced that the first retreat of three-year should start latest in late summer 2024, we urgently need your help!
We have done all the work mainly with the help of few kind sponsors and the main sponsorship comes from the people who personally will start the retreat.
Thanks to their donations, we have money:
for sewage system and cables (around 30 000 euros).
But we do not have money:
for finishing works of the four houses that are already there (5000 euros each, that makes 20 000). This is possible in case we do all the work by ourselves and do not hire any constructors. All the inside works (walls, ceiling, bathroom etc) are not yet done.
for two new houses (15 000 each, that makes 30 000).
We also lack funds for kitchen (gathering hall) construction (only foundation is there).
As of 24th of April, three houses are almost up and as soon as the roof is installed, insulation works can start.