Road works completed

In the beginning of March 2021, after lot of unforeseen difficulties, the road to Yeshe Khorlo three-year retreat site was completed.

In the beginning we had lot of challenges, as we had to change the company (because soon in the beginning it came out that the first company did not use a proper technology to construct a road in a place which was more wet than usual), but then finally found a constructor who used a much better techology to construct this kind of road – therefore instead of stripping the onsoil and filling it with a huge amount of stones and gravel), the new company who was an expert in construction of wet forest roads, heaped the earth and higher than the rest of the ground, covered it with geotextile and a usual layer of gravel was spread on top of it. The road has ditches on both sides (more than half of the length) to be sure that the water is led away. Already 45 tons vehicles were driving it (with gravel). Only some more finishing works are still to be done.

An overview of the retreat center project (Nov 2020), your support is very much needed

Information about the three-year retreat

for the students of Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche (and those with his consent)

and the update about the construction works

The works continue at the future Yeshe Khorlo’s retreat site in Estonia. The road building works have started; the solar power station is being built. However, the sponsor’s help is urgently needed to continue the works. The details of the costs are given below. For more information you can write to us:

Information for money transfers:


Bank Transfer Details:

Receiver: Yeshe Khorlo Eesti MTÜ (Address: Umbusi village, Põltsamaa parish, Jõgevamaa county, 48026).

International account number: EE212200221065708346

Bank name: SWEDBANK


General overview of the project

Yeshe Khorlo’s future three-year retreat center in Estonia is named “Samten Lhündrup Gatsel” (“Delightful Grove of Spontaneous Concentration”). The site has been consecrated by Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche and Lhalung Sungtrül Rinpoche. The main supervisor of the project is Khenpo Karma Wangyel, and according to his vision, a central building with meditation hall (which will be built later), surrounded by small retreat huts and other necessary buildings in the close vicinity will be built.

As of August 2020, around five people have informed us of the interest of taking part in the first three-year retreat in Europe as soon as the construction works have finished.

Because of the Covid-19 crisis and difficulties which were created by lack of the road that would lead to the future meditation center, all the works have been delayed considerably.

November 2020: Foundation works almost finished, road construction started, solar power station works started

The construction of the missing part of the road (around 400 meters) is now a priority. We have an oral agreement from a sponsor who does not want his name written publicly, that he will provide the missing money (7000 euros) for the road construction. The total cost of the road will be around 13 000 euros and the works have started – now the land is cleaned from bushes. Also, a drainage system in the form of trenches is being excavated.

Solar power station

Another positive news is that we have started a building of the solar power station for the center (capacity is 14 kW which will cover at least half of the energy consumption). The building costs are not paid by us but by the company who is constructing it, and the same company will sell the energy produced by solar power plant to the retreat center in the future. The difference is that we do not need to pay the taxes related to electricity (various taxes make 45% of the usual electricity bill).

However, much more is necessary to continue the construction works of the retreat huts and the kitchen (including a hall for gatherings). As we have got one generous offering from Ukraine, the foundation works for the kitchen are also in its final phase (the main problem why the work has not been finished is the lack of the road – heavy vehicles with building materials cannot approach the site). 

The cost of one retreat house is around 10 000 euros, but additional costs should be added (up to four houses: 5425 euros per each house, additional extra costs for the fifth, sixth etc house: 1900 euros as sewage system is already included):

  1. sewage system
  2. heating system (air-air pump);
  3. water connection;
  4. electricity.

All the details about the costs are thoroughly described below.

Shortly: to finish the four retreat houses and the road, approximately 60 500 euros is necessary. Every next retreat house (when the four are finished) will cost around 12 000 euros including everything. The cost of the construction of the kitchen (gathering hall) will be around 30 000 euros.

Cost for participants

The cost for the entire retreat is estimated at about 21 000 euros per participant.

From the 21 000, 6000 euros is meant to go toward construction. Participants of the retreat should first make the payment of 6000 euros for construction work and the rest can be paid later.

Foundation work for four huts are in its final phase. There is also enough money for a deep drilled well which cannot be drilled before the road is done.

Request to support building works and participants’ retreat fee

It is very possible that there may be some who wish to participate in the retreat but lack the necessary funds.  In addition, Yeshe Khorlo Estonia does not have the necessary funds to finish the huts and the kitchen building.

It is only with the help of the entire Sangha that we can realize this project and give serious practitioners a chance to consecrate their full time for practice. It will benefit all of us if we can support this project. Even a small amount can be of great help!


Because of the corona virus and the lack of funds, the beginning time of retreat is postponed and the exact time can be told only when the sufficient funds are there to quickly complete the construction works (if the funds were here right now, it is possible to finish the construction works by autumn 2021. If there are still more people interested in starting the retreat, they should immediately contact Khenpo Karma Wangyel or their country’s coordinator.

The next step will be the meeting of all participants, and possibly a trip to Umbusi in Estonia to visit the site and discuss the necessary preparations for the retreat.

Information about the ongoing building works will be available on Yeshe Khorlo Estonia’s website ( There is also information about the Yeshe Khorlo Estonia’s bank account and Paypal (

Phone number for Khenpo Karma Wangyel: 0033-656815174.

Yeshe Khorlo coordinators:

Estonia: Jako (;,

Germany: Ines (,

France: Bernard ( ),

Switzerland: Marion ( ),

Austria: Florian ( ),

Poland: Andrzej ( ),

Ukraine: Natascha (

We are looking forward to the realization of the three-year retreat site which will allow practitioners to do their practice right here in Europe with no need to travel somewhere far away – India, Bhutan or the moon as Rinpoche said – crossing cultural, culinary and other borders. We hope that there will be enough interested candidates as well as potential sponsors so that we may realize the construction of the retreat huts as soon as possible and start the first three-year retreat in Pema Lingpa’s tradition in Europe.

Detailed Overview of the Works and Costs

Works necessary to do before or alongside with the construction of the retreat houses


As of November 2020, road works have started. Approx. we would need 400 meters of road in length. The width should be at least 2 meters.  This makes 800 m2. Besides that, a little parking lot of 10x5meters (50m2) is necessary. It has to be decided if a small road up to each retreat house is necessary. A road built in a proper way would require 30-40 cm of earth removal and to be filled with stones with the fraction 32/64. Below that goes geotextile and on one side of the road, a trench for rainwater removal should be excavated. We have now an offer of 13, 000 euros. We have an oral agreement from the sponsor that he will cover the missing part of costs (around 7000 euros).

Cost: 13,000 euros.


  • A deep drilled well is necessary. It has to be around 30 meters deep and with the construction permit. An estimated cost is 1600 euros. (As of September 2020, money is here but the access to the land with the heavy vehicle has been impossible up to now.  The road has to be constructed before the well can be drilled).
  • The water pump and pipe works will be an extra cost. Pump’s cost with hydrophore is around 1200 euros. Excavation of two main trenches for the water pipes that the water could reach each individual house costs roughly 30 euros per meter. Pipes have to be layed around 1,5m underground (to avoid freezing during the winter). The work has to be done by excavator.
  • The approximate length of the pipes of the water line (pipes should reach the kitchen and each individual house (there are now four foundations made and one trench for two houses is necessary). The distance from the well to the closest retreat house is 40 meters (plus ten meters to the next house). Another line will be 50 meters of length (plus ten meters to the furthest house). Altogether, the approximately 150 meters of trenches is necessary. The total cost of excavation works of the trenches is around 4500 euros.
  • However, it is possible to do the works so that the water pipes, sewage pipes and electricity cables will be laid in the same trench.

The cost of the plumbing works in the houses are calculated by hourly rate and is an extra cost.

Cost: drilling the well: 1600 euros (there is enough money ready).

Water pump with accessories: 1200 euros (minimum).

Excavating the trenches for pipes: 4500 euros. If there are four houses now, it makes 1425 euros per house (including the kitchen).  If there were more houses, cost will be less.


After long considerations and calculations (with several offers for different systems from several companies), we have come to the decision that the air-air heat pump is the most reasonable option.

It costs less than 1000 euros per house and new models are very energy efficient. Also, silent mode can be used.

For hot water, a small boiler is necessary (around 100 euros).

Total cost for each house for the heating system (kitchen needs a separate heat pump): 1100 euros.  

Sewage treatment system

The type of the land here needs a biological cleaning system. It is a septic tank with a special cleaning system that cleans the wastewater to the point that it could infiltrate into the ground or even straight to the river, as it is purified. For 10 persons, the cost of the system is 10 000 euros including the equipment and pipeline works until the exterior wall. The pipes must be at least 1,2 meters underground (to avoid freezing during winter, but the same trenches can be used as for water). Inside the house, pipe works for the sewage system are not expensive.

Total cost: 10 000 euros.

Cost per house (four houses plus kitchen): 2500. One bio cleaner is sufficient up to ten houses (ten persons).


There is already electricity connection on the land. All the works including digging, building of the substation, 25 amperes, permits and etc costed 4000 euros (already done). Some digging work will still be required as the best is when the electric cable would be underground (this part which has to reach each retreat house). Electric cable should be underground at least 50 cm, the best would be 70 cm deep. At some point it will be possible to use the trenches where the water pipes are put, so it will keep the costs lower. The work has to be done by excavator. The length of the work from the switchboard outside on the plot to the kitchen is roughly 100 m (as it is a shallow trench of 50 cm, the work is done by hourly rate and we cannot tell the approximate cost yet, it will be an extra cost). From the kitchen up to individual retreat huts, trenches for water pipes can be used. Each house will require a switchboard inside the house, but if keeping it simple, it will not be expensive – approximately 100-200 euros per house, inclusive of the materials and work done by an electrician.

Cost for each individual house: switchboard: 200 euros. Pipe works from the switchboard to the kitchen: cost not known yet (100 meters of digging 50 cm deep trench)

It does not include kitchen swithboard which will have a similar cost.

Kitchen with the maintenance room

It is also necessary to have a small maintenance room in the kitchen house where the water pump is situated. The maintenance room needs to be able to keep at least +10 C degrees all year round. It needs to be a room around 3m2 in size. It will be a part of the kitchen.

Cost to build a kitchen: around 30, 000 euros.

A cost of the construction of one retreat house together with simple finishing: around 10, 000 euros.

To that, the above-mentioned costs should be added:

Water works: 1425 euros per house (including kitchen).

Heating system: 1100 euros (kitchen not included).

Sewage treatment system: 2500 euros (including kitchen).

Electricity: 200 euros (kitchen not included).

Total extra cost for each house: 5225 euros.

These are approximate calculations, some works might be cheaper in the end, some more expensive. It does not include construction works of the kitchen (approximate budget is 30 000 euros but it does not include final finishing, kitchen equipment etc).

To finish the four retreat houses, an amount of (at least) 60 500 euros is necessary.

For one more retreat house: 10 000: construction works; 1100 euros for heating system; sewage system: already included. Electricity: only a switchboard: 200 euros.

Pipe works to reach from one house to the next: 20 meters: 600 euros.

Total cost of the construction of the fifth and sixth etc retreat house: 11 900 euros.

Cutting of the bushes on the land and the future road (works will take two weeks and are now being done):

Solar power plant works (will be finished by the end of 2020):

A view of the post foundation of one retreat hut:

Kitchen works (under a temporary roof)

Visa information for people willing to take part in retreat outside of Europe

If a person is not from Schengen area (for example Ukrainian, Russian, Bhutanese citizen), they all have similar visa conditions.

Estonian Pema Lingpa religious organisation can invite religious teachers, monks, and nuns for longer period.

All the persons from above-mentioned countries fall under the residence permit quota: that is to say, only certain number of long term residence permits is given out every year.

This type of residence permit can only be applied in December and January (time for appointment has to be booked earlier, in October or November, as soon as the submitting of applications opens). When the time is booked, this person has to personally present himself/herself in the migration office or foreign consulate of his/her country.

The processing of the application takes two months usually and when the positive decision is made, the person does not need to go herself/himself to collect the permit card, somebody with his/her consent can do it (it has to be mentioned in the papers when the application is given).

The residence permit can be given for five years (this is what should be applied for) but they never give it for that long for the first time. Usually they give it for one or two years. Then the permit can be prolonged online, no need to go in the office.

This means that for the persons from above-mentioned countries the only possible starting time of the retreat is around March, when the positive decision is made about the residence permit.

They can come to Estonia for a short, one-year residence permit (living and work permit, but for monks and nuns, there is no need to give a salary). This can be done online and does not fall under the quota. But the problem with this short-term permit is that when one year is done, the same type of permit cannot be prolonged immediately, the person has to stay out of the country for a certain period.

However, with this permit (if she/he came here with that) she/he can apply for a long-term residence permit (which was described above).

More information about the residence permit procedures is found at

The letters of invitation have to be approved in the ministry of interior affairs. Invitation letters have to be done by the Estonian religious association of Pema Lingpa.

News about the retreat center project (September 2020)

Information about the three-year retreat for the students of Gangteng Tulku Rinpoche (and those with his consent) and the update about the construction works

As of August 2020, around five people have informed us of the interest of taking part in the first three-year retreat in Europe as soon as the construction works have finished.

Because of the Covid-19 crisis and difficulties which were created by the lack of the road that leads to the future meditation center, all the works have been delayed considerably.

As of September 2020, foundation works are in its final phase. The board members of Yeshe Khorlo Estonia have taken a decision that the works cannot be continued without the road and a drainage system around the meditation center’s site.

Therefore, to continue the works, the priority is the construction of the road (around 400 meters) which leads to the site. We have got several offers and the cheapest one is 13 000 euros.

We have now around 6000 euros which can be used for the construction of the road but much more is necessary to continue the construction works of the retreat huts and the kitchen (including a hall for gatherings). As we got one generous offering from Ukraine, the foundation works for the kitchen are also in its final phase (the main problem why the work has not been finished is the lack of the road – heavy vehicles with building materials cannot approach the site).  

The cost of one retreat house is around 10 000 euros, but additional costs should be added (up to four houses: 5425 euros per each house, additional extra costs for the fifth, sixth etc house: 1900 euros as sewage system is already included):

  1. sewage system
  2. heating system (air-air pump);
  3. water connection;
  4. electricity.

All the details about the costs are thoroughly described here.

Shortly: to finish the four retreat houses and the road, approximately 67 500 euros is necessary. Every next retreat house (when the four are finished) will cost around 12 000 euros including everything. The cost of the construction of the kitchen (gathering hall) will be around 30 000 euros.

Cost for participants

The cost for the entire retreat is estimated at about 21 000 euros per participant.

From the 21 000, 6000 euros is meant to go toward construction. Participants of the retreat should first make the payment of 6000 euros for construction work and the rest can be paid later.

Foundation work for four huts are in its final phase. There is also enough money for a deep drilled well which cannot be drilled before the road is done. For the road, there is 6000 euros on the account.  

Request to support building works and participants’ retreat fee

It is very possible that there may be some who wish to participate in the retreat but lack the necessary funds.  In addition, Yeshe Khorlo Estonia does not have the necessary funds to finish the huts and the kitchen building.

It is only with the help of the entire Sangha that we can realize this project and give serious practitioners a chance to consecrate their full time for practice. It will benefit all of us if we can support this project. Even a small amount can be of great help!


Because of the corona virus and the lack of funds, the beginning time of retreat is postponed and the exact time can be told only when the sufficient funds are there to quickly complete the construction works (if the funds were here right now, it is possible to finish the construction works by autumn 2021. If there are still more people interested in starting the retreat, they should immediately contact Khenpo Karma Wangyel or their country’s coordinator.

The next step will be the meeting of all participants, and possibly a trip to Umbusi in Estonia to visit the site and discuss the necessary preparations for the retreat.

Information about the ongoing building works will be available on Yeshe Khorlo Estonia’s website ( There is also information about the Yeshe Khorlo Estonia’s bank account and Paypal (

Yeshe Khorlo co-ordinators:

Estonia: Jako (,

Germany: Ines (,

France: Bernard ( ),

Switzerland: Marion ( ),

Austria: Florian ( ),

Poland: Andrzej ( ),

Ukraine: Natascha (

We are looking forward to the realization of the three-year retreat site which will allow practitioners to do their practice right here in Europe with no need to travel somewhere far away – India, Bhutan or the moon as Rinpoche said – crossing cultural, culinary and other borders. We hope that there will be a sufficient number of interested candidates as well as potential sponsors so that we may realize the construction of the retreat huts as soon as possible and start the first three-year retreat in Pema Lingpa’s tradition in Europe.

Retreat house project

view from east

Here you can see the retreat house project (a view from east, west, main plan and views from different sides). It is a small house of 20m2 of size, including kitchen corner and bathroom. It also has a terrasse in front of the house. The house is planned in a way that is suitable for a cold climate (water system enter into the house from one place in the middle – as the house has a beam foundation, water pipes have to be insulated in a special way. If there are more donations that allow to build a bigger house, it is possible to change everything (add beams for a foundation etc). The room plan is not fixed – it is possible to move inside walls (probably the meditation room has to be bigger, kitchen and bathroom can be smaller). Construction of the foundations will start next week (from the 16th of December). We are very grateful for the donations we have received up to now. We have also received one bigger donation specially for kitchen. However, lot of donations is still necessary. Please use this great chance to practice generosity!

Khenpo Karma Wangyel in Estonia 2019

Khenpo Karma Wangyel marking the spot of the first retreat house

In the middle of November 2019, Khenpo Karma Wangyel visited again the construction site of the future retreat center. The final decision about the construction works was made – it is faster to build individual retreat houses for practitioners with a temple hall that can be built later. If in the beginning only the retreat houses and a kitchen will be built, the first group of retreatants can start their three-year retreat in the beginning of 2021.

As of December 10th 2019, we have got two offers for the construction of the houses and we are waiting for the third offer and a sketch of the house. There is enough money now to start the foundation works and place the order of the deep drilled well. A rough price for one retreat house will be around 10,000 euros. As soon as it is clear which company we will use, we can present here a detailed list of works and the exact cost of every step.

Gangteng Rinpoche’s program 2019. Estonia included: July 10-12, 2019

Gangteng Rinpoche’s program (in English and Estonian) 2019. Estonia included: July 10-12

Germany, Munich. Saksamaa, München

20.6.2019 – Rinpotše saabub Münchenisse. Rinpoche arrives to Munich (kuukalendri 4. kuu 18. päev. 18th day of the 4th lunar month).

21.5.  – puhkepäev. Rest day. (4. kuu 19. päev, 19th day of the 4th lunar month).

22 – 24.6 – Kurukulle pühitsus ja õpetused. Kurukulle empowerment and teachings. Kuukalendri 4. kuu 20.-22. päev;  20 -22nd day of the 4th lunar month).

Poland. Poola, erinevad paigad (Lõuna-Poolas Kudowa Zdroj lähedal)

25.06. –  Reis Poolasse. Rinpotše soovib reisida autoga. Travel to Poland, Rinpoche wishes to go by car. Kuukalendri 4. kuu 23. päev.  23rd day of the 4th lunar month).

26.06.  – Puhkepäev. Rest day.  Kuukalendri 4. kuu 24. päev.  24th day of the 4th lunar month.

27 – 28.06. – Avalik loeng. Public teaching. Kuukalendri 4. kuu 25.-26. päev.  25th– 27th day of the 4th lunar month. Topic: Entering Great Completion: Pema Lingpa’s lineage and legacy. Suure Täiuse teele asumine: Pema Lingpa õpetusliin ja pärand. 

29.06 – Kurukulle pühitsus rinpotšele kingitud uuel maatükil Jarkowis. Kurukulle empowerment in Jarkow (new land). Kuukalendri 4. kuu 27. päev.  27th day of the 4th lunar month.

30.06.  – Künzang Gongdü pühitsus. Künzang Gondü empowerment. Kuukalendri 4. kuu 28. päev.  28th  day of the 4th lunar month.  

01 -7.07. –  Bardo eralduslaager. (Gangteng rinpotše kogu õpetustsükli kõige viimane osa, milles saab osaleda vaid siis, kui kõik eelnevad osad on tehtud). Bardo retreat. Kuukalendri 4. kuu 29. päev kuni 5. kuu 5. päev.  29th day of the 4th lunar month – 5th day of the 5th lunar month.

Estonia. Põltsamaa county, Umbusi village. Eesti, Põltsamaa vald, Umbusi

08.07.  – Reis Eestisse. Travel to Estonia.  Kuukalendri 5. kuu  6. päev. 6th day of the 5th lunar month.

09.07.  – Puhkepäev. Rest day. Kuukalendri 5. kuu 7. päev. 7th day of the 5th lunar month.

10 -12.07. (kolmapäev, neljapäev ja reede)  – Guru Kalliskiviookeani pühitsus (Guru Rinpotše) koos suure tsoki (pühitsetud toidu) praktikaga. Empowerment of Lama Norbu Gyatso. Tsokkor. kuukalendri 5. kuu 8.-11. päev. 8-11th days of the 5th lunar month.

Ukraine. Ukraina

13.07.  – Reis Ukrainasse. Travel to Ukraine. Kuukalendri 5. kuu 12. päev.  12th day of the 5th lunar month.

14.07.  – Puhkepäev. Rest day. Kuukalendri 5. kuu 13. päev.  13th day of the 5th lunar month.

15 – 21.07.  – Künzang Gongdü pühitsus (täielikus mahus, lisaks dzogtšeni osad). Künzang Gondü empowerment.  Kuukalendri 14.-19. päev. From 14th day to 19th day of the 5th lunar month.

22.07.  – Rinpotše lendab Bangkokki. Rinpoche travels to Bangkok. Kuukalendri 5. kuu 20. päev.  20the day of the 5th lunar month.

Pema Lingpa’s Sangha Officially Registered

Pema Lingpa’s Sangha Officially Registered

In order to fulfill the objectives of Gangteng Rinpoche in Europe and in Estonia, the students of Rinpoche first created a non-profit association Yeshe Khorlo Eesti in Estonia in 2016.

However, as a non-profit association cannot organise the coming of the resident teacher in Estonia, an official Sangha (Pema Lingpa’s Sangha) had to be registered as this procedure falls within the competence of the Sangha. That was  was done on the 7th January 2019.  As of January 2019, the Sangha has 12 members.