The three-year retreat will start very soon! Last works and preparations

Time has passed very quickly after the departure of Gangteng RInpoche and khenpo Karma Wangyel (who will be back after a few days though). Meanwhile, the kitchen house is almost finished, the ceiling insulation done, bathroom works almost completed (now, just shower curtains have to be put on place). Today, the retreatants also moved from Umbusi Buddhist center to the retreat center. We are soso thankful to so many people who have supported us recently (some of you again and again!): Rimo, Andrus, Monica, Rein, Veiko, Viivi, Anneli, Jannus, Reine, Mikk, Raivo, Kenno, Liis, Katrin, Leeve, Kaia-Kaire and Hedi from Estonia (2295 euros altogether), Dariusz (2000 euros), Marion (so many more euros), Aurelie and Edith from France (together 1000 euros), Birgit, Yeshe Khorlo Deutchland, Ines and Marina (main support for Thujila: around 8000 euros), Lupita, Alexis (1000 euros, again), Dechen and Pema (1500 dollars), Rovshan (500 dollars), and some more through Paypal (monthly payments and others), as well as some who do not want their names to be mentioned (another 5000 dollars).

The only problem in the end, like always, is that there are some unexpected bills, higher costs than we thought of some works, so we still lack around 10 000 euros to pay the bills (and some works, mainly in the kitchen, are still going on). We try to do everything as cheap as possible (the furniture is so-called B-quality, with some defects but perfect for us, we have found all the fridges from the second hand market, we have got most of the home items from our friends or second hand shops, and as said before, bathroom tiles were for free (though looking very expensive, the floor material is marmoleum but we got leftover pieces mainly (7 euros per m2).


Aadress: Umbusi village, Põltsamaa parish, Jõgevamaa county, 48026.

Bank Transfer Details:


Account: EE212200221065708346


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