Gangteng Rinpoche arrived to Estonia, Umbusi (27.08.2024)

His Holiness Gangteng Rinpoche just arrived to Estonia together with khenpo Karma Wangyel. This time, no delays of flights of 10 hours, no cancelled flights, everything went smoothly:) Tomorrow he will start the consecration of the retreat land (there is no fixed time, we just start in the morning with riwo sangchö and then there will be the consecration according to the text Rten gsum rab tu gnas pa’i cho ga snying por dril ba dge legs char ‘beb (the ritual text of the consecration of the three objects: statues, scriptures and stupas, condenced to the essence called “The rain of virtue and goodness”. On some photos you can see how Thujila is painting the gate (that was yesterday!), and some photos are from tonight’s evening. Every day, lot of work is possible! On Thursday around 17, Vajrakilaya initiation.

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