The beginning of the three-year retreat: 20.09.2024

On the 20th of September 2024, five practitioners from Yeshe Khorlo Sangha started the three-year retreat in Estonia, in Umbusi village in the three-year retreat center called Samten Lhündrup Gatsel (The Pleasant Grove of Spontaneous Concentration). The retreat master is khenpo Karma Wangyel. Gangteng Rinpoche gave personal advice to those entering the retreat during several days when he was in Estonia. There will be three tsamyogs- helpers who deal with practical questions and translation, if necessary.

It is very rare in the western countries that there is an oportunity to do the Dzogchen retreat, and it is the first time in history this retreat is done according to Pema Lingpa’s tradition outside of Bhutan. We, the members of Yeshe Khorlo Estonia, are very happy that we have managed to make this retreat happen.

We still miss around 10 000 euros to pay the last bills (we have had a great help from several donors, but we also had some thousands of euros of more costs (finishing the gate, fence and other works related to kitchen-storage-temple room).

Our very recent helpers: Dariusz – 4000 euros, Katrin: 1000 euros, Ulrike: 500 euros, Marje: 750 euros, Hanna: 500 euros, Raivo: 200 euros. We are so thankful! We also thank Tanel, Bori, Marc, Andrus, Merle, Mari, Jonas, Dominique, Jannus and Monica for (continous) support!

For the next three years, the gate will be closed but whoever can, a little support for practitioners in retreat is always great and very helpful – most of them gave most of their money in the beginning of retreat and very big part of it has gone for the construction works.

New beginning date of the retreat: 20th of September 2024

Latest news from the three-year retreat center soon starting in Estonia according to Pema Lingpa’s tradition. Khenpo Karma Wangyel and two lopönmas, Künle Wangmo and Sonam, arrived on Saturday. All the nuns are very busy doing tormas that should stay three years in the rooms. The actual beginning date is postponed to 20th of September 2024, this Friday. There might be some works related to the kitchen house that cannot be completed on time (can be completed right after the beginning). Other works will be completed (houses and the gate). Every day there are new small details that have to be done and that also cost money, but we have got only few donations in September (the big pipe works bill of 12 000 is not yet paid as well. However, houses look very cosy and warm, everything is ready for the living in the rythm of practice and practice only. PayPal:

Bank Transfer Details:


Account: EE212200221065708346


Consecration of the retreat houses by Gangteng Rinpoche and support needed for last efforts!

His Holiness Gangteng Rinpoche has consecrated the retreat land and the houses. He also bestowed Vajrakilaya empowerment – there is a special reason for that – it is always given when new people start the retreat. It is said that it is very efficient in removing obstacles and hindrances.

Five practitioners from Yeshe Khorlo Sangha will start the retreat very soon (because of Khenpo Karma Wangyel’s departure to Bhutan for a short period, the beginning of retreat is postponed to 18th of September).

For a moment, they have to live in Umbusi Buddhist center nearby, because we have some very urgent works that we could not finish because of lack of funds – for example, ordering toilets and installing them no matter how mundane it may sound, it is still something necessary). All the rest of the works will be done by the end of this week. Together we have decided to use the money of the retreatants – they have made payments for their retreat food but now we have to use this money. We hope very much that in the Sangha there will be people, who would like to support somebody staying in retreat. As Rinpoche has said – the merit who is doing the retreat and the merit of the one who helps to make it happen is equal!

Our bank details: Yeshe Khorlo Eesti MTÜ (Reg nr:  80410350) contact information:

E-mail address:


Aadress: Umbusi village, Põltsamaa parish, Jõgevamaa county, 48026.

Bank Transfer Details: Receiver: YESHE KHORLO EESTI MTÜ; Account: EE212200221065708346


May everything be auspiscious!


Preliminary program: 28th of August: Consecration of the retreat center (probably starting in the afternoon).

29th of August: Vajrakilaya empowerment (probably starting at 5 pm).

Price: empowerment: 50 euros, consecration: donation

It is possible to have an accommodation in a nearby Umbusi Buddhist center (shared rooms), 7 euros per night, it is also possible to have food there (5 euros per meal). Reduced price possible for students, retired persons, and those in need.

There is a registration form, but only in Estonian (google translate will help):

Coming to Umbusi: there are direct buses from Tallinn airport almost to Umbusi (the bus stop is called Puhu rist, it is 12 km from here, we can come to pick you up. Umbusi is situated in the middle of Estonia, 1h 20 min drive from Tallinn airport, 4 hours’ drive from Riga (there are also buses, also from Riga airport (flixbus), you have to get to Tartu, then we can help you to get a bus ticket or come to pick you up).

More details coming soon (about the exact time).

Progress of construction works (09.08.2024)

One week has gone again and we can modify a little bit to do list, some works are done!

  1. Construction of the inside walls in two houses – 70% is done.
  2. Plastering, painting and wallpaper works in two houses: lime plaster done in main rooms, kitchens have to be finished. One main room painted, one to be done, wallpaper works to be done.
  3. Outside boarding: mainly done! (ten boards are missing, because material finished, we will get it).
  4. Gate work: needs to be completed: just work, not much new material needed. Roof of the gate done! Doors have to be done.
  5. Fence: most of the material bought, needs to be done. Help needed! Update: 08.08.2024: 300 meters of poles done, 100m of fence done (altogether it will be 500 meters. It is not 2 meters high and non trasnparent, but it works as a limit of the retreat center. Spruces that we planted last year, will grow soon and cover the view.
  6. Installation of 13 doors (3 exterior doors and 10 interior doors: 2000 euros). We can almost manage. Doors are on the way.
  7. Finishing the kitchen-storage room’s roof and ceiling, intallation of windows and a door. Windows and roof material almost there (some roof material needs to be bought. Lot of help needed. In front of the kitchen storage house a terrace has to be done to cover the part of the foundation we could not manage to build. These works have started.
  8. Kitchen windows for each house (5), installation of them. Little money and help necessary.
  9. Outside gardening works, excavator’s works where it could have not been done earlier. Some more flowerbeds done, other works not yet. (can be around 500 euros)
  10. Floor works (half og the material is there). Help needed.
  11. Assembly of IKEA kitchen furniture (arrived). Needs help from voluteers.
  12. Installation of the pump in the deep-drilled well (includes also the cost of the pump): 2500. Done by a company. Water is there! Finishing of the bathrooms (two not yet done at all) toilets and showers have to be bought (no money for that right now).
  13. Construction of wind boxes for houses, installation of gutters (no money for that work).
  14. Ceiling: heating material and installation (at least 1200 euros)
  15. Construction of stairways and a small terrace in front of each house (we start preparation works from tomorrow.
  16. Finishing of electricity works everywhere.


Construction works, 31st of July 2024

We are happy to conclude the month of July with the realization that we have almost finished building the two houses that did not exist in June: only interior work remains. And different other works:)

Here is the list of our special voluteers, who have helped with many works or in other ways in June and July: Jaak, Raul, Monica, Terje, Nele, Madis, Maire, Rein, Valter, Vivian, Camel and more.

And here we thank you our very special donors, only thanks to them we have managed to get so far! In the end of June and in July we have got several very important donations that we would like to mention here:

The main help in June and July came from an unknown donor to us, Dariusz from Chezch Republic (13 000 euros!), some more donations from Estonia from our good friends (mainly Aivar, but many others as well: more than 3500), and some important donations from Switzerland (together with June, we have got more than 5000 euros from Switzerland: from Roland, Margrit, Heinz, Liane, Janna and Marina (special thanks to Hanna!), from Yeshe Khorlo Deutschland: 800 euros, donations from France from Bori and Dominique. The money that has arrived through Yeshe Khorlo Germany – we do not know each person by name, but we thank you very much! May everybody’s merit be abundant!

Since before there was so much work to be done that it didn’t make sense for us to make list of works that is still left to be done, now it makes sense. We have also tried to calculate the cost of works and materials – you can see the list below (the latest estimate tells us that we still need around 12 000 euros – to complete the kitchen-storage room, fence, electricity works and many other small works).

Estimation of costs: (prices are in euros):

Heating system: 10 000 euros
Doors: 2000 (10 +3 outside doors)
Floor: the cheapest option: around 1000: natural marmoleum (stock leftovers: we have got aorund 60 m2 of leftovers for 7 euros/m2, but need to buy another 70m2, hopefully for 15eur/m2)
Bathroom works: work: at least 11 000, plus toilets, water heaters, shower treys and showers (can be around 1500 euros)

To do list:

  1. Construction of the inside walls in two houses (we can manage).
  2. Plastering, painting and wallpaper works in two houses (we will manage, we have all the material). Update: primer for lime plaster done, now plastering works can start (05.08.)
  3. Outside boarding: one house: half not done yet. We have to pay for that job (we still need to pay for one week’s work (for 2 men: 1600 euros).
  4. Gate work: needs to be completed: just work, not much new material needed.
  5. Fence: most of the material bought, needs to be done. Help needed! Update: 04.08.2024: 300 meters of poles done, 50m of fence done.
  6. Installation of 13 doors (3 exterior doors and 10 interior doors: 2000 euros). We can almost manage. Doors need to be bought.
  7. Finishing the kitchen-storage room’s roof and ceiling, intallation of windows and a door. Windows and roof material almost there (some roof material needs to be bought. Lot of help needed.
  8. Kitchen windows for each house (5), installation of them. Little money and help necessary.
  9. Outside gardening works, excavator’s works where it could have not been done earlier. Done by excavator. Needs to be paid (can be around 500 euros)
  10. Floor works (material will be bought this week). Help needed.
  11. Assembly of IKEA kitchen furnituure (arrives at August 3rd). Needs help from voluteers.
  12. Installation of the pump in the deep-drilled well (includes also the cost of the pump): 2500. Done by a company.
  13. Construction of wind boxes for houses, installation of gutters (no money for that work).
  14. Ceiling: heating material and installation (at least 1200 euros)
  15. Construction of stairways and a small terrace in front of each house.
  16. Finishing of electricity works everywhere.

Update about the works (22nd of July 2022)

Lot of time has passed since the last post, but also lot of work done (the main work is still done by Yeshe Khorlo board members, some friends have come help us but we have had to hire also some more workforce to do some works that we do not know exactly how to do).

There are five houses now, a gate as well. In three houses, painting works are in progress (lime plastering works are done), one wall got the Tibetan style wallpaper (the abundance of Vajrayana) bathroom works will start from Monday 23th of July (preparations are done by ourselves).

In two houses, last layer of insulation has to be put on place, then the construction of the inside walls can start.

Also an excavator will come on the 24th of July to clear everything around the houses.

We still have some money left but the works are progressing fast and every day, we need to pay several bills, thousands of euros (material for outside boards: 700 euros, works related to external lining installation: 1700 euros, and several other smaller bills of hundreds of euros (paint, fence material, moisture barrier for bathroom, material for the gate, bush cutting works – sorry, we got too exhausted to do this ourselves:). We are very-very grateful for the donations but to whomever it is possible, please send us some more (excavator’s work next week, bathroom tile works (tiles we got for free).

Update (04.07.2024)

Yeshe Khorlo Estonia is very greatful for every donation, big and small! Five houses are now there and tomorrow, finishing works in the three houses will start (walls: lime plaster and some wallpaper). With the kitchen and two houses, there is still lot of work to do. Garden works are ongoing every day, even some Bhutanese chillies are growing. Every weekend and every other day as well, until the starting time of the retreat (Gangteng Rinpoche will very probably come on the 27th of August to give his blessings to the retreat people) everybody is welcome to help with the works! Beautiful experience in the wild nature guaranteed. We can also arrange accommodation and sauna. You are very welcome to help!