Consecration of the retreat houses by Gangteng Rinpoche and support needed for last efforts!

His Holiness Gangteng Rinpoche has consecrated the retreat land and the houses. He also bestowed Vajrakilaya empowerment – there is a special reason for that – it is always given when new people start the retreat. It is said that it is very efficient in removing obstacles and hindrances.

Five practitioners from Yeshe Khorlo Sangha will start the retreat very soon (because of Khenpo Karma Wangyel’s departure to Bhutan for a short period, the beginning of retreat is postponed to 18th of September).

For a moment, they have to live in Umbusi Buddhist center nearby, because we have some very urgent works that we could not finish because of lack of funds – for example, ordering toilets and installing them no matter how mundane it may sound, it is still something necessary). All the rest of the works will be done by the end of this week. Together we have decided to use the money of the retreatants – they have made payments for their retreat food but now we have to use this money. We hope very much that in the Sangha there will be people, who would like to support somebody staying in retreat. As Rinpoche has said – the merit who is doing the retreat and the merit of the one who helps to make it happen is equal!

Our bank details: Yeshe Khorlo Eesti MTÜ (Reg nr:  80410350) contact information:

E-mail address:


Aadress: Umbusi village, Põltsamaa parish, Jõgevamaa county, 48026.

Bank Transfer Details: Receiver: YESHE KHORLO EESTI MTÜ; Account: EE212200221065708346


May everything be auspiscious!

Update about the works (22nd of July 2022)

Lot of time has passed since the last post, but also lot of work done (the main work is still done by Yeshe Khorlo board members, some friends have come help us but we have had to hire also some more workforce to do some works that we do not know exactly how to do).

There are five houses now, a gate as well. In three houses, painting works are in progress (lime plastering works are done), one wall got the Tibetan style wallpaper (the abundance of Vajrayana) bathroom works will start from Monday 23th of July (preparations are done by ourselves).

In two houses, last layer of insulation has to be put on place, then the construction of the inside walls can start.

Also an excavator will come on the 24th of July to clear everything around the houses.

We still have some money left but the works are progressing fast and every day, we need to pay several bills, thousands of euros (material for outside boards: 700 euros, works related to external lining installation: 1700 euros, and several other smaller bills of hundreds of euros (paint, fence material, moisture barrier for bathroom, material for the gate, bush cutting works – sorry, we got too exhausted to do this ourselves:). We are very-very grateful for the donations but to whomever it is possible, please send us some more (excavator’s work next week, bathroom tile works (tiles we got for free).